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Interview with Peach Pit (ピーチピット インタビュー)

カナダのバンクーバーから現れた、脱力系サーフロックバンド、Peach Pit。

そういえば夏なのに最近全然サーフロックなバンドって聴かない。Pop etc.こと元the Morning BendersがBig Echoを出した辺りはいっぱいいた気がするのに。Sufer Bloodとかもその辺りだったっけ。

Peach Pit、桃の種、というバンド名もさながら、自分たちの音楽を風船ガムを噛んだようなポップ、と呼んでる彼らの音楽は、ちょっと力の抜けたカラフルポップと言い換えてもいいんだろうか。


Mac DemarcoとMilkshakeの真ん中みたいな感じ、と本人たちも説明しているが、Mac Demarco好きにもオススメ。



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1. バンド名はどこからとったのですか?

そうだな、初めて一緒にリハした曲がPeach Pitで、バンド名にしたらいいんじゃないかってなったんだよ。それに決めるまでには時間かかったけどね、世界には他にも同じ名前のバンドがいたからさ、それでしばらくは”Peter and the Virgins”って呼んだりしてたよ。笑

2. EPは自分たちのレーベルからリリースしたのでしょうか?


3. メンバーとはそれぞれどのようにして出会って、バンドを始めるに至ったのでしょう?


4. オールタイムベストのアーティスト、アルバム、映画があれば教えてください。

好きなミュージシャン:同点で好きなアーティストがいて、Frank OceanとAndy Shauf。

アルバム:Josh RitterのThe Historical Conquests


5. Sweet PitのMVについて教えてください、とても面白いですよね、どうやってできたのですか?

このアイデアは100%僕らのアートディレクターのLester Lyons-Hookhamのものだよ。Lesterは本当に何でも思い付くのが上手いんだ、僕らが今までリリースしたやつのビジュアル面は全部ね。

6. 音楽以外ではどういうことが好きですか?



Frank OceaeのBikingっていうこの新しいシングルを聴いたんだけど、めっちゃ良かった。あ!あとそれからMitsukiだね、最近ずっとMitsukiを聴いてるよ。

8. もしあなたの音楽を一言で表すなら、何になりますか?


9. 曲を聴いていると、リラックスしたビーチの風景が浮かんできます。今まで行った中で一番良かったビーチはどこですか?

タイのKoh Chang(チャン島)っていうところが一番だね。海が夜もあったかくて、何時間泳いでも寒くならないんだ。

10. Sweet FAについて教えてください、FAはどんな意味なんでしょう?このEPのテーマは何ですか?

Sweet FAはSweet Fuck Allって意味だよ、基本的に”全く何もない”って訳してくれていいよ。これは父さんがいつも僕に言ってたことなんだけど、その時僕はだらしない野郎だったからクリエイティブなことは何にもしなかったんだ。多分メインテーマは人間関係に満足出来ない気持ちを歌ってるんだと思う、分かんないな、もっと良い答えを見つけないと。

11. 今年バンドとしての予定は?

たくさんライブをやって、新しいアルバム”Being So Normal”を夏の終わりにリリースする、それから親友達と遊んで楽しむ(Chiris、Mikey、Peterとね)僕と喋ってくれてありがとう。

I succeeded to have interview with surf rock band called "Peach Pit."

They will release their debut album end of the summer.

I cannot remember the last time when I was into surf rock music.
The time when Pop etc. fka the Morning Benders released Big Echo, I was seriously into surf rock music like Sufer Blood. But now I remember how that genre of music is cool by listening to their music.

They call their music as chewed bubble gum pop, and I exchange this expression as relaxing colourful pop".

They have released debut EP last year and they have created their fan base in Vancouver.
We can only listen to 3 songs yet, but their youtube channel has got almost 20 thousands subscribers. They are not well known in JPN yet but I hope this article will help Japanese listeners to like their music.

I recommend their music to Mac Demarco fans and Milkshake fans because they themselves describe their music as the middle of their music.

Please check this weird but fan MV too!

This time, front vocal Neil answered the answers.


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1. Where does your band name come from?

Well, the first song that we ever rehearsed together was Peach Pit and we thought it would be a good band name. It took us a while to decide on it though because a few other Peach Pit's exist in the world, so we were called "Peter and the Virgins" for a while haha.

2. Your recent EP came out from your own label? If so, why did you think to start your own label? What's the plan as a label this year?

We didn't really start a label, we just released the EP independently. The reason we did that was because it's hard to get label support when you are starting out. 

3. How did you guys meet each other and start a band?

Chris and Peter have been pals since they were just little guys in Sunday school together, and Mike and I met in high school. Then one summer Chris moved to my neighbourhood and we started hanging out and decided to play some songs together. When I went by his house, Peter happened to be over and Chris invited him to join us, which actually pissed me off cause I thought that Chris wasn't taking our session seriously, but it turned out Peter is the best and our MVP:)

4. What's your all time favorite musician, album, and movie?

Musician: its a two way tie between Frank Ocean and Andy Shauf. Album: The Historical Conquests of Josh Ritter. Movie: FUBAR 1 and 2::)

5. Talking aboxt MV of ”Sweet Pit”, this MV looks very funny and fun. How did the idea come up?

The idea was 100% from our art director Lester Lyons-Hookham. He pretty well comes up with anything and everything visual that we have ever released.

6. Apart from playing music, what do you like to do? 

We all live in a big house together with a few other roomies and so I really like hanging out at home. We have a skate ramp in our backyard and we just got an adult sized inflatable pool, which is awesomeeee.

7. What do you listen to recently?

I just listened to this new single by Frank Ocean called "Biking" its so good. Oh! and Mitski, I've been listening to lots of Mitski.

8. If you express your music in one word, what will it be?


9. Your songs remind me of relaxing beach scenery. Which beach is the best wheres you've been?

The best one ever was on an Island in Thailand called Koh Chang. The water was so warm at night that you could swim around for hours and never get cold.

10. Talking about your latest EP ”Sweet FA”, what does FA mean?What the theme of this EP?

Sweet FA means Sweet Fuck All, which basically translates to "nothing at all". It's something my dad would always say to me and I was being a lazy butt and not doing anything productive. And I guess the main theme is just about feelings of inadequacy in relationships, I dunno though, I'll have to figure out a better answer.

11. What's your plan as a band this year?

11) Playing a ton of shows, releasing a new album at the end of the summer called "Being So Normal", and having fun hanging with my fav boys (Chris, Mikey and Peter). Thanks for chatting with me:) 





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