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The Lobster

ルール1, 独り身でいることは罪である。
ルール2 独り身であるものは逮捕され、パートナーを探すためのホテルに入れられる。そこで45日以内にパートナーを見つけられなければ、動物に変えられる。


利点1 誰にも邪魔されない。誰にも命令されないし、テレビのチャンネル争奪戦も、お風呂の順番待ちもない。好きなものが食べられるし、好きな格好が出来る。
利点2 自立出来る。実家にいると料理もしないし、家事も出来ない。が、一人暮らしだとせざるを得ないので自然と出来るようになる。何かトラブルがあっても自分で解決しなければならないので、サバイバル能力が上がる。







Bad movie for date. これはまあテレグラフに載っていたレビューだが、映画を見終えた後、これほどまあこの映画のことをまとめた言葉はないだろうなと感じる。面白おかしく言うなら"リア充爆発しろ"映画。愛をシュールな形で描いた映画だとも言えるだろう。普通のラブコメに飽きた人にオススメ。ただ、絶対に一人で見ること。絶対に。

Rule1 You'll be guilty if you stay alone.
Rule2 People who don't have partners will be arrested and sent to the hotel. If you cannot find partner in 45 days, you'll be turned to animal you chose.

I recently started to live apart from my parents, that doesn't mean I'm totally alone, if you can excuse me at first.
I started this because I wanted, but I soon felt lonely and homesick. I couldn't stop googling "benefit of living alone." Google then showed the below answers.

Benfit1 You won't be disturbed by anyone. You won't be ordered by your mom and you never have a battle for TV channels with your sis and you don't have to wait to use bathroom. You can eat what you want, and you can wear what you want in your room.

Benefit2 You can be independent. You didn't have to cook or do housework at your parents' home. You have to do it by yourself now. If you have any trouble, you have to solve by yourself.


I, however, couldn't get these benefit because these are not the reasons why I started this. Let's put this problem on the corner, anyway.

It indeed looks like a hell if you are recognized as guilty just because you don't have a partner, especially when you're salary-man. When I was a student, I didn't care what people say. That changed when I got a salary from a company. We, salary-man, have to obey the society's rule, then you'll be expelled from the world or you'll be in jail. What an extreme world, I always think. Like Colin Firth was told by hotel workers that they only have 27 or 28 for shoe size, not 27.5 for his shoes. There is no medium . It's like America's president election. Trump or Hilary. Or Sanders...perhaps? Isn't there any chance to elect the medium?

People brought to the hotel are who lost their partners or betrayed. They are not person anymore when they are turned into animals. It means they are dead or no more as person. Collin Firth was betrayed by his wife, she decided to break up with him to be together with other man. He is almost killed by her in soft way. 

I have no idea of the age in this film. Ages ago, it was usual people get together for their financial benefit. If they love each other was not a problem, they decided by judging from some points. I agree with that idea if I just want to get married with someone. People in these days get married after they fall in love. I think most of the people do so. In addition, we have Internet and it drastically broadens the world for love. However, how ca we choose the partner from seriously restricted range ? I even want to know how many people succeeded. This film, however, seems to ignore these rule ans we cannot arugula how much it can be possible in reality but this movie seems to force us to face the strange things in romance. 

For example, we want to look for something in common for romance. 
I have no idea which follows, either we have something in common before getting to love someone, or we fall in love with someone because we have something in common. Former example is a man played by Ben Whishaw, he tries to make his nose bleeding because he wants to get together with a woman often bleeds from nose. Latter example is the man played by Collin Firth, who falls in love with woman who is short-sighted like him. For me, bothnseems weird. This weirdness looks vividly when Collin Firth attacks the ship which Ben Whishaw and his partner are on board, Collin exposes Ben's partner that Ben intentionally makes him bleeding from his nose. In usual movie like Hollywood, the partner answers like she knows everything about Ben's bleeding. But she says nothing. In the last, Collin tries to make his eyes blind with knife to be same as his partner. This thing Lso looks strange to me. How will they live together both blind? There is no answer. Isolated leader of unmarried group Lea Seydoux buried by Collin Firth ans just waits to die. It seems like love doesn't make everyone happy all the time. Probably the leader was trying to spread the idea that LOVE MAKES PEOPLE UNHAPPY. This sounds extreme idea.

The telegraph discribbed this movie as "bad movie for date" and I think this word explains almost everything about this movie. If I would discribe the movie in more funny words, I would say this movie is everything about "fxxk those who have partner." I recommend this movie who already fed up with usual romantic movies. I have to say one thing before you watch, " you should definitely watch this movie alone."





We're the MODS = psycho

ザ・ディスカバリー 感想(ネタバレあります)


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