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Runaround Kids Interview

今を時めくイギリスの若手オルタナバンド、Runaround Kidsの単独メール取材になんと成功してしまいました…!!

"Runaround Kidsはイギリス、Wakefield出身の3ピースバンド。(写真左からRob Burnnell;drum, Jack Winn;bass, George Garthwait;guitar)デビューアルバム、Linked ArmsがUKで賞賛を浴び、BBCなどで取り上げられReading&Leedsにも2010年に出演。The Spillsなどが所属するPhilophobia Labelに所属。日本でも輸入盤がタワーレコードでプッシュされるなど、期待の新星。この度、Bandcampなどでは新曲You'd Feel The Sameを発表している。"

Interviewに答えてくれたのは、ベースのJack Winnです。
What the starter of the band? Please tel me how you met each other and why you started band together.


We started the band in 2007, we all went to the same school and me (Jack, singer and bassist) went to lots of gigs with George (singer and guitarist), it started from there. Since then we have just been playing gigs and writing songs.

Q2,日本ではあなたたちはヤングSonic YouthやDinasaur. Jrといった風に紹介されています。そして写真でじゃSonic YouthやNirvanaのTシャツを着ているのを見ました。そういった反応はどう感じますか?またSonic YouthやNirvanaについてはどう思っているのですか。

In Japan, you are introduced as young version of Sonic Youth of Dinasaur. Jr. And I saw you wear Sonic Youth or Nirvana T-shirt in photos. How do you feel being delt like that? or What do you think of Sonic Youth and Nirvana?

J;そういったバンドと比べられてとても嬉しいよ。僕らは皆Sonic YoutheとNirvanaが大好きさ。僕らは90sのアメリカの音楽とよく比べられるけど、そういう風に聞こえるように意識してやったわけじゃないんだよね。でもとてもうれしい比較だと思う。

We're very happy to be compared to bands like that, we all love Sonic Youth and Nirvana. We get compared to 90s American music a lot, it isn't something we consciously decided to sound like, but I think it's a very flattering comparison.


Which band or artist do you admire?

J;尊敬しているバンドはたくさんいるよ!今わかる中で僕らのお気に入りはShrag,This Many Boyfriends, Johnny Foreigner, The Cribs, あとWe Are Losersかな。

We admire a lot of bands! Some of our favourite bands that we know are Shrag, This Many Boyfriends, Johnny Foreigner, The Cribs, and We Are Losers.

Q4,デビューアルバムLinked Armsのコンセプトはなんでしょうか?またどんな意味が込められていますか。

What is the concept of your debt album "Linked Arms"?What does it mean?

J;Linked Armsは8か月にわたって書いたんだ。その多くが女の子と別れることと心配についてだよ。あとは夏についてだね。

Linked Arms was written over about 8 months, a lot of it is about breaking up with girls and anxiety. A lot of it is about summer too.

Q5,あなたたちはPhilophobia Musicに所属していますね、The Spillsのような同じレーベルに所属するバンドには影響を受けましたか。

You belong to Philophobia Music, are you afected by other bands like the Spills in same label?

J; Philophobia Musicにいる他のバンドのいくつかは僕のお気に入りのバンドだよ!僕らはThe SpillsとかImpみたいなバンドたちとたくさんプレイするし、皆にいつも素晴らしいよ。Philophobia Labelは最高のレーベルだよ、いつも協力的だし。Wakefielはちっぽけな街だけど、優れた音楽シーンがあるし、彼らの支えはとても大きい。周りに良いバンドがいっぱいいて、その一部になれるっていうのはとても興奮するよ。

The other bands on Philophobia Music are some of my favourite bands! We play with bands like The Spills and Imp a lot and they're always
amazing. Philophobia Music is a fantastic label, they're very supportive of us. Wakefield is only a small city and we have a great music scene here, and their support is a big part of it. Having great bands around us makes it a very exciting scene to be a part of.

Q6, あなたはバンドキャンプに登録していますよね、今多くのバンドが登録してそこから音楽を勧めていますが、この傾向についてはどう思いますか。つまり、インターネットを通じて音楽を勧めることが、なのですが。

You've registered Bandcamp, what do you think of trend that many bands now register it and promote from Bandcamp?That is, about promoting music through Internet?


Promoting our music through the internet is a big part of how we do everything as a band. It's the only way people from Japan would know about us! I think it's fantastic that we can reach people on the other side of the world, and that they can listen to us and be our fans. I'm very happy that the internet lets us do that. Bandcamp is very useful for being able to sell music easily on the internet. Facebook and Twitter lets us keep in touch with our fans too, and we can let everyone know what we're doing.

Q7,新曲のYou'd Feel The SameとデビューアルバムLinked Armsでは違ったように聞こえます。もっとローファイでヘビーに聞こえるのですが、なぜでしょう?

Your new song "You'd Feel The Same" sounds different from ”Linked Arms", sounds more like Lo-Fi and heavy. Why?

J;僕らはLinked ArmsとYou'd Feel the Same間でスタジオを変えたんだ。プロダクションの変化っていうのは音の変化にも大きく影響してるかな。You'd Feel The SameはLinked Armsでやったことからの自然な進化だと思ってるし、だからそれが表れててめちゃくちゃ喜んでるよ。演奏するのも楽しいしさ。

We have changed studios between Linked Arms and You'd Feel The Same, I think the change in production has been a big part of our change in sound. I think You'd Feel The Same is a natural progression from what we did in Linked Arms, and I'm very happy with how it's turned out. It's a really fun song to play too.

Q8, どうしてYou'd Feel The Sameのアートワークに教会を選んだのですか。

Why did you choose chapel's photo as an artwork of "You'd Feel The Same"?


The photo is inside an abandoned church, close to where we all live. We pass it all the time, and our friend took a great picture of the inside, with all the pews still there. We just thought it looked cool.

Q9, 2010年にはReading&Leedsに参加していますね、どうでしたか?

You took part in Reading and Leds festival in 2010. How was that?

J;Reading and Leedsは素晴らしかったよ、去年Leedsでまたプレイするように頼まれたんだ。そこが今までやった中で一番大きいショーで、観客も最高だったし、めちゃくちゃ楽しんだよ。僕たちはもっと小っちゃいフェスティバルでもプレイしようとしてるんだ、楽しめるだろうしね。

Reading and Leeds was amazing, we got asked back to play Leeds festival again last year. They were by far the biggest shows we have ever done, the crowds at each of them were amazing, we have so much fun there. We try and play smaller festivals too, they can be just as fun.


When you write songs, what way do you take? You jame in studio or write separatedly?

J;僕とGeorgeはいつも別々に曲を書いてほとんど完成させてから練習室に持ち込んでたんだけど、最近は(特にYou'd Feel The Sameとレコーディングした数曲)ほとんど皆で練習室で書いたんだ、それにスタジオでレコーディングしてるときにも変わったりしてさ。僕たちは自分らの音楽をよく理解してて、さらに僕らが本当にやりたいことをわかってる素晴らしいプロデューサー達がいるんだ。皆ばらばらに始めるけど、歌詞はいつも一人が書いてるよ。

Me and George always used to write songs separately and bring them into the practice room almost finished, but recently (especially with You'd Feel The Same and some others that we've recorded) they have been mostly written by all of us in the practice room, and also changed a lot whilst recording in the studio. We have some fantastic producers who know our music and what we want really well. They always start separately though, and the lyrics are always ever done by one person.

Q11,どうしてRunaround Kidsという名前を付けたのでしょうか。
Why did you name the band. "Runaround kids"?

J;Runaround KidsっていうのはSmashing Pumpkinsの曲の歌詞から取ったんだ。今はもうそこまでその曲が好きではないけどね。15歳の時はそれが良い考えに思えたんだ。

Runaround Kids is a lyric from a Smashing Pumpkins song. Though we don't really like the song any more. It seemed like a good idea when we were 15.

Q12, バンドを始めてから人生は変わったと思いますか。
Do you think that your life changed after the start of the band?


My life has absolutely changed, it has been 5 years of my life! We've managed to do some pretty amazing things and meet some great people. The very fact that people in Japan want to know what we are doing is pretty amazing in itself.


This is the last question. Will give me special message to your Japanesse fans?


Thank you for finding us and being our fans! We're going to try really hard to come over and play some gigs there. We love your country! こんにちは日本 !





We're the MODS = psycho

ザ・ディスカバリー 感想(ネタバレあります)


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