プラダを着た悪魔で、仕事に恋に、と翻弄しつつもスーパーな管理能力ですべてを手に入れたキュートな主人公を演じ、一躍スターにのぼりつめたAnne HathawayとNancy Mayersの今回の映画はまさにその二つの要素を取り入れた物語である。さらに、主人公はオンラインファッションの会社を経営する、一児の母で、夫は主夫という、ここ最近の若い人たちの流れを一手に引き受けた人物設定。ちょっと詰め込みすぎなような気もするし、実際Anne Hathawayのハードワーカー振りを見て、わたしはこんなこと出来ない!というのが正直な感想であった。(夫が主夫だとしても!)夜遅くまでオフィスで仕事をし、その間は分刻みのスケジュールをこなすが、家に帰れば笑顔で夫や子供と触れ合い、愚痴も言わない。(後で夫が浮気していると知っていたからだとわかるが)夫ともあまり一緒に過ごせていないことを気にかける。まさにパーフェクトウーマンである。(しかも美しい)そのハードワーキングぶりは、昔気質なBen Whittakerすらも感心させ、尽くそうとさせるほどの頑張りぶりだ。
話を戻そう。この映画は誰かと誰かがくっつくラブコメではない。むしろこれまでの普通にあるラブコメに比べれば、むしろ正反対のような映画だと感じた。本来なら女性がやる職業であろう秘書をBenが務めるところや、もちろんJulesの夫が主夫であること、などなど。そして、Julesの為に従業員であるナードたちがスパイミッションのごとく成功させた夜、バーで祝い酒をするところで、Julesは”Thank you Boys!あ、ボーイズって年でもないか。でもわたしがオプラに習って女の子もなんにでもなれる!って教育を受けていたときに、男のひとの教育はサボってたんじゃない?Benを見習って!これが真の男よ”という場面。正直なところ、オプラが誰のことだか分からなかったのだが、知らないという方はこちらをぜひご参考に。
この映画、ファッションが最高に良かった。さすがNancy Mayers。
Anne Hathaway, who became a super actress by acting pretty woman who
luckily (?) own splendid ability of managing while drafted away with work and romance in Devil wears Prada, stars in
the movie also dealing with work and romance by Nancy Mayers this time.
The protagonist in the Intern is a mother
with a girl owning company managing online fashion shopping site. Her husband
does the hosework instead of her. He left his company for her, though he was a
very good SE. This kind of characteresic setting seems very likeale in latest
trend. (indeed in JPN) At a glance, my impression of this movie was like this.
Setting of this movie has too much to discuss and Jules looks like a
super-woman we cannot totally be like her. If her husband does all the
house-work, I don’t even think I can work so late at night and manage
minute-to-minute schedule in daytime. In addition, she doesn’t show her
frustration at house AT ALL. She is always nice to her husband and her husband
and doesn’t complain about work at home. (Or we Japanese have wrong idea about
home?) She’s worried about not being at home for a long time with her husband,
though she notices her husband is cheeting her. WHAT A PERFECT WOMAN. (She’s
also very beautiful.) We can know how hard she works from the attitude Ben
Whittaker, who is in 70s and once was also a perfect hard-work salary-man, respects her.
I don’t know
the actual situation in US for working-women, but this movie reminds me of the
hard-working style of married woman with kids. Even if they work in less hours
than usual workers, they do housework, childcare, and work of course. They
nurse their children when they have fever. What on earth they rest in a day?
Who nurses when they get disease?
OK, let’s talk about the movie. This movie is not about usual romance. Rather
it’s the opposite, I thought. Ben does secretary of Jules, Jule’s husband does
housework, we witness the change in modern way of men-women-responsibility. The
night the nerds-employees in Jule’s company succeeded in mission like spy, she
cerebrates them by telling, “Boys, what can I say?
Sorry, didn’t mean to call you boys. No one calls men “men” anymore. Have you noticed?
Women went from Girls to Women and men went from Men to Boys. This is a
problem. In the big picture. Know what I mean?” “Here’s my theory about this -
we all grew up during the ‘Take your Daughter to Work Day’ thing, right? So we
were always told we could do anything, be anything. And I think somehow the
boys got, maybe not left behind but not quite as nurtured. We had Oprah, you
know. I wonder sometimes how guys fit in...they seem to still be trying to
figure it all out. Still dressing like little boys, still playing video games.”
I feel shame but I didn’t know about who Oprah is. Click here if you
It’s out of fashion to define what women and men should be, but I think
men can help when women trying to be strong. If men don’t feel self-confidence,
they can re-back the confidence by helping them?
Now the elder people who already retired from work can teach us how to
live strongly and support us. What we need now is probably respect each other
and help each other.
There are a lot of problems to be solved, indeed. Mothers who insult Jules
for working so hard and her husband’s confidence to be househusband cheating
Jules. (He doesn’t appear in the movie a lot, but I think there should be a
movie about those who does househusband.) The answer is not found yet, and it
would be difficult to find out. We should live by helping each other, it’s not
about insulting each other. We shouldn’t prevent someone who does superb work.
I think I
summed up with only sounding-good-words, but I thought so strongly by watching
this movie.
この映画、ファッションが最高に良かった。さすがNancy Mayers。