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Interview with Party Hardly

UKはLeedsからやってきたゆるゆるサーフガレージロックバンドParty Hardly。

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最近本格活動を始めたとは思えないしっかりしたメロディーに、サーフな要素が入った、ゆるいガレージサーフロックを奏でる彼らは、何やら姿を消したSwim Deepの影を引き継いでいるようでもありつつ、UKの若者たちの気持ちを代弁するような政治的メッセージを織り交ぜた歌を"Jobs"という曲でも歌っている。



Tom: 初め僕らは自分たちのことをWulfsって呼んでて、これはただ僕と友達が数年前に始めただけの、ただ曲を書くだけのプロジェクトだったんだけど、2016年まではちゃんとバンドとして育ちきってなかったっていうのがあったから、それまでWulfっていう別のバンドがいて、僕らよりも上手くやってたんだよ!だからごちゃごちゃになるのを避けるためにもParty Hardlyっていう名前にしたんだ、どっから出て来たのかわかんないけど、バンド名って考えるのが一番最悪だよね。


T: ほとんどはみんな大学で出会ったんだよ、最初バンドはベッドルームプロジェクトだったから、僕がただ部屋で座って曲を書いたりレコーディングしたりしてたのを、リハーサルルームに行って、バンドでジャムしたんだ。今のとは全然違うけどね、最近はリーズのちゃんとしたレコーディングスタジオでシングルをレコーディングしてるし、まあ今でもベッドルームで思いついたデモをリハーサルに持ってくこともあるけどね。

3. バンドメンバーについて簡単に教えてください。

メンバーはTom (Vocals, Guitar) Matt (Vocals, Guitar) Stanley (Bass, Vocals)あと Lachlan (Drums) だよ。


T: リーズの音楽シーンは今の所盛り上がってると思うよ、この辺じゃ一番だね。シーンにも良いバンドがたくさん出て来てるし、彼らの間の友情みたいな感覚もね。ここでのバンドがもっと大きなところに出て行くのも時間の問題だと思ってるよ。


T:最初のシングルのアートワークは僕が書いたんだけど、その時は誰にアートワークをやってもらえば良いのか分かんなかったし、何か特別なことをする余裕もなかったからなんだけど、それからは僕らは友達のJen Tollittのアートワークを使ってるよ。


6. 音楽スタイルがすごく面白いですよね。どうやって最終的にこのサウンドになったのですか?音楽的には誰に最も影響を受けましたか?

T: この数年色んなところから影響を受けてると思うし、それにインスパイアされて音楽を書いてるけど、例えばBrian Jonestown Massacre, Joy Division, Blurとかかな。僕が思うのは、僕らそれぞれが聴いている色んな違ったスタイルの融合が今のサウンドを形作ったというか、そういうことにしたんだと思う。でもまだバンドとしては初期段階にいると感じてて、サウンドもその時々でまだ変わってるんだよ!Spotifyにプレイリストを作ったんだけど、そこにこの数年影響を受けたバンドの曲も入れてるよ!


7. "Have we got time"のMVではリーズのレコードショップに行っていますね。リーズにはオススメのレコードショップはありますか?

T:そうだね、いくつか良いレコードショップがあるよ、Jumbo RecordsとCrash Recordsはもし街にいた時はチェックする価値はあるね!

8. 最近は何を聴いていますか?

T: 最近はProtomartyrの新しいアルバムと、 Relatives in Descent, Beach Fossilsの新しいアルバム、あとはthe King Gizzard the Lizard WizzardがMild High Clubとコラボしたアルバム,でSketches of Brunswick Eastっていうやつだね。

9. オールタイムベストアルバムを教えてください。

T: Lou Reed - Transmission, Joy Division - Unknown Pleasures, David Bowie - Hunky Dory there's loads more but here's a few. 


T: EPをリリースしたいな、あとはツアーしたい、それが2018年の大きな目標!


T: 今のところすごく良い反応をもらってるよ、Spotifyに出してるシングルもいっぱいイイネしてもらってるし、そのおかげでもっと幅広い層に聞いてもらえるしね、良かったよ、全然予想してなかったけどさ!




T: 僕らはソーシャルメディアに関しては本当のところ他のバンドと同じような感じで使ってるかな、聴いてくれてる人とつながるプラットフォームって感じで、あとは自分達の音楽をそこで広めたりとか。つまり、こういうやり方でやるべきではないんだろうけど、そんなに良くもないんだよ、っていうのはほとんどの人がFacebook投稿の制限で全てのリスナーに届けられるわけじゃないから、正直言ってそれが最悪なんだけど、悲しいことにそうでもしないとこのSNSのご時世にバンドとしては何やってるのか誰も分かんなくなっちゃうからね。

14. 日本のファンにメッセージをお願いします。

T: やあ日本のファンのみんな、僕らと一緒に僕らの未来の音楽を楽しもう!愛を込めて。xx

Party Hardy is British band from Leeds.
Their music is fresh, mild, surf-garage rock reminded me of the band Swim Deep (not sure how they're doing now). They started to jam as a band since 2016, but they are already one of the bands representing the music scene in Leeds.

Contrary to their mild sound, they sing about the serious situation among young people and their anxiety. They haven't even released EP until now, but I was very curious about who they are and here is what I asked to them. ENJOY!


1. Where does your band name come from? 

Initially we used to be called Wulfs and it was just a writing project that myself (Tom) and a friend started a couple of years ago, it didn't really fully fledge into a proper band until 2016, by which point there was another band called Wulf who were doing better than us! So to avoid confusion we ended up having the name Party Hardly, no idea where it came from, band names are the worst thing to come up with!

2. How did you meet each other and start the band? I've read the band started after you tried to play in Tom's bedroom but what was the idea to try bedroom playing? 

Most of us met at University, initially the band was a bedroom project, so I'd just sit and write and record tracks in my room and then head to the rehearsal room and jam them out with the band. It's a lot different now, as we've recently been recording our singles in proper recording studios in Leeds, although we all still often come up with demo's in our bedrooms to take to rehearsals. 

3. Please give us quick self introduction of each members.

There's Tom (Vocals, Guitar) Matt (Vocals, Guitar) Stanley (Bass, Vocals) and Lachlan (Drums) 

4. I think recent music scene in whole UK is getting bigger, especially in LDN. What do you think of the music scene in Leeds and other areas in UK? 

I think the music scene in Leeds is thriving at the moment, definitely one of the best around. There's a lot of great bands coming onto the scene and a sense of camaraderie between them. I believe it's only a matter of time before bands start breaking out to the masses here. 

5. Who did the artwork of your singles? It's very cool.

The first single artwork I drew myself, as we didn't really know who to turn to for artwork at the time and couldn't afford anything spectacular, since then we've been using a friend of our's Jen Tollitt's artwork. https://www.facebook.com/pg/avocatodesign/about/ I'm a big fan of minimalist line art, so really wanted to use something weird and minimal for the singles. 

6. Your music style is very interesting. How did you end up sounding this style? Who affected you the most when making music? 

I think we all draw on a lot of influences that have inspired us to make music over the years, be it Brian Jonestown Massacre, Joy Division, Blur. I think the amalgamation of the different styles we listen to has helped mould or sound. I feel the band is still in it's early stages though, our sound seems to be changing all the time! We made a playlist on Spotify which contains bands that have inspired us to make songs over the years! 

7. In ”Have we got time” video, you go to the record shop in Leeds. Any good record shops in Leeds to recommend? 

Yes most definitely, there's a couple of great record shops in Leeds, Jumbo Records and Crash Records, worth checking out if you're in town!

8. What do you listen to  recently? 

Recently we've been listening to the new Protomartyr album, Relatives in Descent, Beach Fossils new album, somersault, and the King Gizzard the Lizard Wizzard collab album with Mild High Club, Sketches of Brunswick East. 

9. Please tell me your all-time favourite albums.

Lou Reed - Transmission, Joy Division - Unknown Pleasures, David Bowie - Hunky Dory there's loads more but here's a few. 

10. What's your aim in 2018? 

We'd like to release our first EP onto the world, and to tour thats a big aim for us in 2018! 

11. In "Jobs," you sing about the situation among young people regarding jobs. What's the response like from young listeners about this song? 

The response to Jobs has been great so far, we've had a lot of love from Spotify for that single and that helped push it out to a wider audience, which was great yet unexpected! 

12. What's the story behind "mindchanger"? How was this song made? 

Mindchanger is about an anxty teen disobeying his parents and going out and causing trouble on the streets. Matt wrote this song, initially in his bedroom, then sent us the demo and we worked on it in rehearsal. 

13. How do you utilize SNS as a band? How consciously use SNS for advertisement? It seems some bands are sensitive of their looks (fashionably) and use SNS for advertisement. 

We use social media like any other band does really, as a platform to engage with out audience and to push our music out their. I mean, it shouldn't be this way, and it's not great as most people probably know the limitations Facebook pose on band pages reaching their full audience which is quite frankly disgusting, but sadly it needs to be used otherwise no one would know what you're up to as a band in this age of SNS. 

14. Please give me special message to your fans in JPN. 

Hi Japan fans, keep partying with us and enjoy our future music! Lots of love Party Hardly. xx




We're the MODS = psycho

ザ・ディスカバリー 感想(ネタバレあります)


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